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Irons: The General Fitting Process

During the fitting process, decisions are made which are in the player's best interest, based on three beliefs:

Specifications for Iron Fitting

We will assess the player first to determine club specifications, such as:

Important Note: For more details and commentary on the above, please go to the section below entitled "Fitting Specifications Details".

Apply the Fitting Results

Fitting Specifications Detail

Using iron fitting as a baseline, the following are further details about the club specifications and other factors that we focus on during the fitting process:

Club Length

Using height, shoulder width, torso length, leg length and thickness, arm length, and hand size and shape, we statically calculate what length of club will give the player his or her best opportunity to set up in proper posture. This posture allows weight to move in optimal directions, resulting in better stability, balance, and swing fundamentals.

Grip Size and Taper

Proper grip size and taper facilitates holding on to the club with less grip pressure and hinging of wrists. As a result, the shaft stays on plane and provides a better release.

Shaft Flex

The shaft is "engine" that drives the club and most important component of the golf club.  The secret to a sucessful shaft fitting is a great "feel", energy transfer and resulting trajectory, distance control, and tight shaft dispersion.

Shaft Weight

Shafts will be matched to the player by his or her swing tempo is relation to the length of the swing arc and the load exerted on the shaft. The following is noteworthy:

Lie Angle

The golfer is tested for his "dynamic lie angle" at impact. This angle is then compared to what the ideal lie angle would be if the shaft were on plane at impact. We determine the proper lie angle as that angle which gives swing relief without impeding the player's abiilty to improve.  In the final analysis, lie angle must be determined on an individual basis, as it immediately influences ball flight and it is therefore very important for it to be correct.


From a technological standpoint, we look deeper into the golf club and determine what additional features we can employ in a club of the player's specifications, in order to apply a greater force in a more efficient manner.

Launch Profile

We measure a player's ball speed, launch angle, and spin rate--and compare them to the optimum launch angle and spin rate for their given ball speed. This analysis places every golfer in one of four profiles:

Our goal is to have this profile optimized as the golfer improves, so that he or she sees the result of a better ball flight.

This analysis also helps us determine the "longest" iron in the set that the golfer can hit successfully. There is a point of diminishing returns in every players bag where the next longer iron fails to reach sufficient height to carry further than the club preceeding it, and stop  within a desired distance. This club serves little purpose in the bag!